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Wendy: “I want to improve my health, my body shape, be fitter and more active so I can play physical games with my grandchildren”

We love it when couples train together and support each other in the gym.

Husband and wife Stan & Wendy went a step further and committed to a lifestyle change together. 

This involved a program designed for 2 days of resistance exercise, 2 days of cardiovascular training and 6 months of learning and relearning better nutritional habits.

Stan (68) had never stepped into a gym before. His daughter testified that she was pretty sure it was a week spent in ICU (when particles from a blood clot in his calf made their way to his lungs) that finally made him wake up and put his health first by joining Mana.

Wendy (62) had prior experience and success in weight loss quite some time ago and was very keen to feel great again like she did back then.

We put the following questions to both of them and here’s what they shared with us...

What was your main reasons for wanting to change your lifestyle?

Stan: “Having had prostrate cancer surgery and blood clots in my lungs and calf I wanted to build up my strength, rediscover vitality, improve my sleep and learn to eat more healthily. In addition, I also want to be here to support my wife with her goals.”

Wendy: “I want to improve my health, my body shape, be fitter and more active so I can play physical games with my grandchildren”

Do you have a favourite motivational quote?

“If you start something, finish it and do it to the best of your ability”

What did you find hard about your experience?

“Starting something new, adapting to a new routine in a new environment when you actually feel very, very unfit!”

How did you manage this situation?

“By doing the program to the best of our ability and trying to have some fun at the same time”

What did you enjoy the most?

“Whilst both cardio (ICE) and strength training (FIRE) were difficult at first, seeing our personal results from both fitness and strength provided the enjoyment.

The group environment where everyone was striving to meet their goals was also a factor.

In Wendy's case enjoyment also came from trying new recipes and foods”

What was the number one habit that you didn’t feel comfortable to let go of?

Stan: “Comfort food and the quick snacks. I found it difficult to resist the wine”

Wendy “In the first 12 weeks, we endeavoured to eat well and kept the bad foods at bay but over the latter weeks we found it hard to resist temptation”

Do you have any advice for someone who might be in the same position as you were?

Give it a try, you have nothing to lose!

Can you share with us some of your top tips for a successful transformation?

Do not leave it too late to get fit.

Focus on building strength and making better food choices because the older and more unfit you become, the harder it will be and the longer it will take to meet your goals.Prioritise your food preparation so you have healthy choices available at all times.Enjoy a variety of food with lots of colour on your plate

Thank you Stan & Wendy. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Ana & Jose

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