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I would start gym memberships and then never go past the first introduction session. I found the gym an intimidating place and was really overwhelmed by all the weights and equipment” ~ Michael Di Pietro

“As I was growing up, I was always the smarter one, whilst my brothers were the strong ones physically.

Due to this, I became quite independent. I decided that I could only depend on myself and that I would never be as strong as my brothers.

I never really gave the physical fitness side of things much importance nor the strengthening of my mindset, to help me be more successful in life.

I would start gym memberships and then never go past the first introduction session. I found the gym an intimidating place and was really overwhelmed by all the weights and equipment.

I started the MP program as I found myself sitting at home every night in front of the TV, and when I look back I really wasn’t in such a great headspace.

I thought that by starting the program I would just get fit and get some advice on what to eat. Through the past 6 months I have not only greatly improved my physical fitness but have also totally turned my mindset around.

It’s amazing how it has impacted every aspect of my life. At work, I am now smashing out my work goals and have become much sharper and driven.

In life in general, I have become much more positive and confident.

I cannot believe the turnaround in such a short amount of time!

With every journey, there’s ups and downs. In the beginning, I was often tempted to give up and go back to old eating habits especially on the weekends when I was out at parties. The early morning training sessions were quite tough especially in the middle of winter. I did at times feel like staying in bed and making excuses to not go to the gym.

I learned to overcome these negative feelings by reminding myself WHY I started the program in the first place and remembering my end goal.

The habit I didn’t feel comfortable letting go of was my love of eating cakes and desserts. This has always been a weakness for me and can get wayyyy out of control!

These habits no longer hold me back because I’ve learned that in moderation, I can have them from time to time.

What I found most enjoyable about my program was the variety in the food options and being able to create my own fast, delicious and nutritious meals whenever I want. I also really love the sense of community at Mana and how welcoming everyone was and continues to be.

The best thing I have learnt is that I am much stronger both physically and mentally, than I thought. I can achieve anything I set my mind to!

I still struggle with shyness in my life in certain situations. This has taken a lot of work on my part to overcome especially in my younger days.
If I was to give any advice to anyone who is starting this journey, it is to really hone in on your “why”. This will help keep you on track when things get difficult or when the outside forces try to deter you from your path. Most importantly, just get off the couch and get moving! You wont regret it”

My Favourite motivational quote is -“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”. (Dalai Lama)

Yes, it is always possible to be kind, especially to ourselves first. Thank you Michael for sharing your story with us.

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