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Hayley Glass's Story

.."While it's still a work in progress, I'm becoming more comfortable with these changes...'

Rebel Womens representative 106 - We met Hayley at our daughters rugby match and could tell she was an athlete on a mission.

Whilst working alongside her at the 2023 Women's Australian Rugby Championship she approached me and Mana for extra support with her strength and conditioning.

What did you find challenging about your experience with S&C at Mana Fitness?

One of the challenges was the need to slow down and focus on proper technique when lifting weights. Prior to joining Mana Fitness, being self-taught meant I often performed exercises with incorrect form, putting me at a higher risk of injury and hindering my lifting potential.

How did you overcome it?

The S&C trainers at Mana Fitness worked with me to correct my technique and boosting my confidence. Their guidance has not only improved my form but has also made me more at ease when lifting weights.

What did you enjoy the most about being at Mana?

The most enjoyable thing about Mana is the strong sense of community and support. Forming connections with fellow athletes and receiving encouragement from trainers created a positive and motivating atmosphere, making each weekly session something to look forward to.

What was the number one habit that you didn't feel comfortable letting go of? Is it still holding you back or have you conquered it? How?

A challenge for me has been maintaining a consistent diet and eating schedule. Recognising the impact of nutrition on my goals, I've shifted towards a more tailored diet and regular eating pattern to optimise recovery. While it's still a work in progress, I'm becoming more comfortable with these changes.

Do you have any advice for someone who might be in the same position as you were before starting this journey?

My advice is to embrace the journey and be patient with oneself. Set realistic goals, stay consistent, and seek support from trainers, fellow athletes, and the community. Celebrate small victories, understanding that progress is a gradual process requiring time and dedication.

Are there any lessons you learned?

One lesson I've learned is the significance of recovery. Balancing intense workouts with proper recovery and adopting a well-rounded approach to nutrition has been key. Prioritising recovery has allowed me to achieve my fitness goals in the gym.

Tell us a fun fact that no one knows about you?

In 2013, (at the age of 14) I represented Australia in Judo at the Youth Olympics festival. The 11+ years of martial arts has significantly influenced the rugby techniques I use today.

Incredible attitude and work ethic, keep an eye out on her career.

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